1 Building
80+ Zones
17+ action commands
Our commitment is to consistently update and expand the dataset on our website to include not just the current building, but also others within our campus. We anticipate this real-world data to be a substantial resource for researchers. It not only offers a platform for testing predictive models and control policies but also significantly enhances research across various fields associated with energy-efficient building systems.
Building Name: Multipurpose Building
Site ID: NAE-01
Description: This building is located at UCSD and consists of 86 rooms

Raw Data
Data Fields
Field | Unit | Description |
Zone Temperature | degreesFahrenheit | The temperature of a specific zone or area within a building. |
Warm/Cool Adjust | inchesOfWater | The pressure of the air or other fluid being supplied to the building. |
Supply Vol Press | degreesFahrenheit | A feature that adjusts the temperature setpoint in a specific zone to be either warmer or cooler. |
Actual Cooling Setpt | degreesFahrenheit | The temperature setpoint for cooling in a specific zone or area, as determined by a building management system. |
Actual Heating Setpt | degreesFahrenheit | The temperature setpoint for heating in a specific zone or area, as determined by a building management system. |
Actual Damper Position | percent | The position of a damper, which controls the flow of air or other fluid into a specific zone or area, as determined by a building management system. |
Actual Supply Flow | cubicFeetPerMinute | The actual flow rate of air or other fluid being supplied to a specific zone or area. |
Reheat Valve Command | percent | A command sent by a building management system to control the position of a reheat valve, which regulates the temperature of air or other fluid being supplied to a specific zone or area. |
Common Setpoint | degreesFahrenheit | A temperature setpoint that is applied to multiple zones or areas within a building, as determined by a building management system. |
Damper Command | percent | A command sent by a building management system to control the position of a damper, which regulates the flow of air or other fluid into a specific zone or area. |
Actual Sup Flow SP | cubicFeetPerMinute | The setpoint for the flow rate of air or other fluid being supplied to a specific zone or area, as determined by a building management system. |
Cooling Max Flow | cubicFeetPerMinute | The maximum flow rate of air or other fluid that can be supplied for cooling in a specific zone or area, as determined by a building management system. |
Occupied Clg Min | cubicFeetPerMinute | The minimum flow rate of air or other fluid that must be supplied for cooling when a specific zone or area is occupied, as determined by a building management system. |
Occupied Htg Flow | cubicFeetPerMinute | The flow rate of air or other fluid that must be supplied for heating when a specific zone or area is occupied, as determined by a building management system. |
Cooling Command | percent | A command sent by a building management system to control the flow rate of air or other fluid being supplied for cooling in a specific zone or area. |
Heating Command | percent | A command sent by a building management system to control the flow rate of air or other fluid being supplied for heating in a specific zone or area. |
Occupied Status//Occupied Command | 1, 2, or 3 | The current status of a specific zone or area, indicating whether it is currently occupied or not. |
Field | Unit | Description |
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